
AI’s Carbon Footprint: The Unseen Environmental Impact

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a technological game-changer, revolutionizing industries globally. However, its environmental impact, particularly its carbon footprint, is a growing concern, as highlighted in a recent article published by Technology Review.

Rising Carbon Footprint of AI

The report reveals that AI computations double every three and a half months, leading to a significant rise in its carbon footprint. Despite strides in energy-efficient AI models, the sheer volume of computations contributes to a considerable amount of greenhouse gas emissions.

Green AI Models: A Potential Solution

Promisingly, some researchers are developing ‘green’ AI models designed to lower carbon emissions. These models aim to optimize computation processes, reducing their environmental impact without compromising their performance.

The Ongoing CRISPR Patent Battle

The article also discusses the ongoing CRISPR patent dispute between the Broad Institute and the University of California. With potential significant implications for the biotech industry, this battle draws attention to intellectual property rights in the rapidly advancing field of gene editing.

While AI has proven to be a powerful tool in various sectors, its environmental impact raises questions about sustainable technology development. The development of ‘green’ AI models may be a step in the right direction, however, the issue requires urgent and continued attention. The CRISPR patent battle, meanwhile, underscores the importance of clear intellectual property rights in the rapidly evolving tech world.

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